Be Honest
You've been there.
You were stuck in a draining job or an unhappy relationship.
Or, you were convincing yourself a business idea had potential when it didn't.
But you couldn't quit.
Your mind played tricks.
It obsessed over the time, money, and effort you already invested.
"How can I leave after six years at this company?"
"But I spent my life savings on this startup!"
The sunk cost fallacy causes us to make bad choices.
The sunk cost fallacy is a cognitive bias that makes you feel as if you should continue pouring money, time, or effort into a situation since you’ve already “sunk” so much into it already. This perceived sunk cost makes it difficult to walk away from the situation since you don’t want to see your resources wasted.
We put more effort into situations.
We do this because we want to avoid admitting that we wasted our past efforts.
It's time to call that logic out.
Continuing something just because of past investment is ego.
It ignores the future and protects your pride.
You don't want to admit defeat.
The truth?
Sometimes quitting, even though it feels awful, is the smart choice.
But how can you tell if your thinking is trapped in the sunk cost fallacy
Or if you genuinely have a path to better days if you keep going?
Signs You Need to Throw in the Towel
Making Decisions Based on Past Efforts Instead of Future Potential
Your reasons for sticking with it all come down to what you've already put in, not actual signs of future success.
"I've spent 5 years building this business, can't quit now."
"But I've dumped $100,000 into this startup!"
"7 years with this partner, I can't break up."
Sure, it's natural to want to justify that time, money, and effort already spent.
But those are silly reasons for deciding your next moves.
You're choosing based on what's gone, not an honest look at what's ahead.
If the only "evidence" you can give is pointing to past investment, something's wrong.
News flash: Continuing something only because of sunk costs is a waste. It's done without any rational analysis of how things will work.
Make decisions based on the future potential, not the past you've put in.
The Writing's on the Wall
Deep down, you know the truth.
You can see the signs that this thing you're putting all this effort in isn't working out.
But you ignore the red flags and make excuses.
Admitting reality means admitting your past efforts were a waste.
Could be a toxic friendship that's drained you for years.
Or your product is becoming irrelevant as the market changes.
Or you're sticking with an internship you're not learning anything from anymore.
Whatever the signals are, you notice them.
Deep down, you know what they mean.
But you bury your head in the sand.
You make hollow excuses because you've put too much in to change course now.
"Our friendship just hit a rough patch! It'll be like the good old days again soon."
"Our product is so innovative, we just need more time to educate people!"
"This internship will still look great on my resume if I power through a bit longer."
You're doubling and tripling down with blind optimism instead of taking a step back.
You won't objectively check if it's a lost cause.
If you're ignoring failure signs. It's likely because of your past investment.
It's time to open your eyes to the obvious truth in front of you.
The Passion Is Gone
Remember that feeling when you first started?
You were so excited about that new business, job, or relationship.
Filled with motivation to make it happen.
But now?
That feeling is completely gone.
Instead, you straight up dread it.
You only keep going because of what you've already put in.
It feels like heavy baggage you keep carrying around out of obligation.
Your passion project became something you simply go through the motions on.
You don't get any enjoyment or enthusiasm from it anymore.
Just do it because you feel you have to, not because you want to.
Sure, it's normal for motivation to drop temporarily when things get hard.
A little dip in excitement is expected.
But this is different.
You've totally fallen out of love with it.
Any interest, joy, excitement - it's all vanished.
Leaving you feeling bitter and disconnected.
Be honest with yourself - do you still care about doing this?
Or is that motivating feeling from the start just buried under dread at this point?
Because continuing something you've completely lost passion for, just because of sunk costs?
That's an exhausting, miserable cycle that will weigh you down over time
The Hard Truth About Quitting
Face it.
Those signs are screaming at you.
They're about something you're holding onto just because of what you've already invested.
And quitting feels impossible.
You have to accept that past investment is a sunk cost.
Your ego will fight you with every excuse to keep going rather than admitting defeat.
But here's the truth: Holding on to something because of attachment to your past efforts is silly.
It's not brave.
Dragging it out by adding more time and money wastes squandered investments.
It just creates more waste.
Real courage is looking reality in the eye, despite how much you've put in already.
Having the guts to stop justifying past mistakes takes strength.
Quitting the things draining you frees your energy for better pursuits.
So accept the discomfort.
Drop those anchors of invested time/money/effort weighing you down.
Because the payoff is sweet freedom - no more pouring effort into a dead-end.
As hard as it is, quitting clears better paths.
No-BS Tips to Actually Quit:
1. Before you're in too deep, set hard limits on time/money before reassessing.
Decide upfront on clear cut-off points. At these points, you'll take a hard look. You'll see if it's still worth it before you've invested too much.
2. Get an outside reality check to call out your excuses.
- We all have blind spots when we're emotionally invested.
Find someone objective who will call you out on dumb rationalizations for continuing.
3. Make two lists: What you've put in already vs future potential.
- Write out everything you've invested to get it out of your head.
Then separately list all honest evidence it can actually work in the future.
4. Quit the pity party. See "failures" as opportunities.
- Stop wallowing over perceived losses of past efforts.
Reframe this as a needed step towards finding something better suited for you.
5. Celebrate quitting as a boss move - you fired what dragged you down.
- Quitting the right things is incredibly self-aware.
You're taking control by eliminating something holding you back. That's powerful and badass.
Don't spend your limited time on things that drain you.
Every moment you force something that's not working is time wasted.
Having the self-awareness to walk away takes courage.
But it prevents you from wasting more effort on the wrong path.
Quitting feels hard at first, but an exciting new start awaits after.
The wise choice is to face the facts, not make excuses.
One path leads to feeling renewed and growing.
The other path leads to pouring more energy into unfulfilling pursuits.
They won't satisfy you.
Embrace your power to change directions.
Find the courage to leave situations you've outgrown. It doesn't matter what you've invested before.
A life that's truer to yourself is still possible if you focus on the right things.
Thank you so much. Thank you again. I can't thank you enough. Thank you, it still feels inadequate. Thank you.
Thank you so much Abimbola for this insightful piece you put together, it's an eye opener and I'm gonna put all I've read into practice